About nelsonj

Joy Nelson was hired by White Oak ISD to work with 3-5 grade students in an inclusive/resource special education position.

Leaving to Teach in Burundi, Africa!

It is with bittersweet feelings that I let you know I will no longer be teaching at White Oak Intermediate. I am fulfilling a dream put in me years ago to teach overseas.  I will be working at Discovery School in Bujumbura, Burundi.

Here’s a video posted about it 6 years ago which gives a good description of the condition of the country and the kids I’ll be teaching:


Here’s a more recent video about it as well.



Feel free to follow my blog on http://burundijoy.wordpress.com

I have loved teaching at White Oak!  Your kids are precious to me.  I will not forget them!

–Joy Nelson

Can You Believe it?


The first progress reports will be coming out in just a few weeks!  This year is already rolling along at a good clip–I’m in shock at how fast it’s going!


Good news:  Most of my students are doing FANTASTIC!  We have assessed what reading level they are at and are reading and learning a lot of vocabulary.  We play games to be sure the students are motivated and are learning what they need to for regular class as well.


Please feel free to let me know by email of any outside events your child is involved in–I’d like to come and see them!  One of my goals this year is to really focus on them and what they enjoy, so the more I learn and experience about your child, the better!  


New Stories!

My students have been working on stories involving animals they have researched.  Here are some that are finished:






The 2016-2017 School Year is Upon Us!


This year is one I get to teach Reading as well as Writing and Math!  I am looking forward to the year, and hoping to have exciting learning in store for your children!

It’s a brand new year, with unlimited possibilities.  My goal is to help any struggling students get the help they need to feel confident in their classrooms.  I hope to delve into what makes your child tick, and use that to help them really enjoy this year.

So…here we go!

Free Summer Ideas to Keep Learning from Leaking Out!

Scholastic Summer Program This link will take you to an online summer reading program!

Summer learning options This link will take you to a bunch of summer learning sites that your kids will enjoy!

Summer ideas and online ideas for learning This link has all kinds of ideas as well as online activities for learning this summer.

More ideas–including science! This site not only has links to reading programs, but has a link to a science site called Exploratorium. Exploratorium is an virtual science center complete with exhibits, interactive tools and modules, as well as science projects to do at your site.

These are but a few ideas out there where you can encourage learning without leaving your home! Many links offered

Summer Notebook This site will give you a free downloadable notebook for your kids to keep track of their learning in the summer, with coupons you can fill out to reward them for their efforts!

Have fun, and have fun learning too!